Dear colleagues,
With pleasure we inform you about an Autumn School on “Assessment of cognitive functioning and intelligence: New developments, modelling, and constructing web-based instruments” from the 28th of November till the 3rd of December 2016 at Ghent University (supported by the Testpracticum), Belgium, and organized under the auspices of the European Association of Psychological Assessment (EAPA, see
This is a second and final call (we aim at maximally 20 international PhD students and postdocs). Organizers: Prof. Dr. Johnny Fontaine & Dr. Mark Schittekatte.
Participants should preferably do research on construction and/or adaptation of psychological assessment instruments in the domain of cognitive functioning and intelligence. In case the interest would exceed the maximum number of attendees, priority will be given to those having already collected data from their own research.
During the Autumn School recent scientific developments in the assessment of cognitive functioning and intelligence will be presented. Furthermore, CONCERTO, an open-source web-based environment to construct psychological tests on the basis of IRT models developed by the Psychometric Lab of Cambridge University will be presented. The autumn school consists of three parts:
- Part 1 (2 days): The assessment of cognitive functioning and intelligence: New theoretical developments and web-based application (a.o. F. Van de Vijver, D. Bartram).
- Part 2 (3 days): “Concerto, Item Response Theory and Computer Adaptive Testing”
The workshop will cover, in a nutshell, the following:- Theoretical introduction to item response theory and computer adaptive testing
- Data analysis and manipulation in R
- Practical use of IRT and CAT in R
- Creating an online adaptive test in Concerto (we have worked with different tests based on the instructors’ preference, but examples include ability tests and depression scales)
See for more information
- Part 3 (1/2 day): A presentation of own work. Will focus on application of the models to own data and possible future research.
Location: an old abbey close to the city of Ghent, see
Price: 850 € per person, this fee includes registration, lodging and full board for 6 days during the Autumn School (preferable arrival on Sunday 27th of November), but transportation to the venue is not included.
Apply before September 1th of 2016, by sending your CV, a motivation & a description of your research, to Dr. Mark Schittekatte (
Please do feel free to circulate this flyer among your staff/colleagues, other members of your organization or other parties interested in this topic of testing. We apologize for possible cross-posting.
Kind regards,
Johnny Fontaine (EAPA president, Ghent University, Belgium) & Mark Schittekatte (EAPA EC member, Ghent University, Belgium)